Connecting two technologies

Today we revisited some of the more fundamental aspects of vue js by comparing them to their vanilla js counterpart. Specifically we worked together as a class to recreate tic-tac-toe which we previously did in regular javascript as the same app but this time using vue. Not only did we work through it as a class but... I got to type the dang thing in front of the class. So yeah it was hands on.

But despite being nerve-wracking it was actually very helpful. Like... super helpful. Heres some things I got from the session:

* in vue components, 'data' is treated like a function and has to have a return statement.

data: function(){
	return // all your stuff
<div v-if="statement" ...>

this will show or not show an element (like a div) if the "statement" is not true the $emit statement ---> this.$emit('new'); is a way that vue can let the "child" component tell the parent something, but the parent also has to listen with an on: statement ---> v-on:new="newClick"
so it looks something like this:
child: ``` this.$emit('new'); ``` parent:

<div v-on:new="newClick" // where the "newClick" is a function that is called